Esta librería permite que arduino pueda reproducir archivos WAV en diferentes calidades desde una miniSD usando un modulo y un speaker de bajo costo.
From the last few weeks I've been discovered an interesting library from arduino, it is called TMRpcm. I was looking for a form to reproduce and manipulate sound files without a MP3 or computer, I would like to manipulate different mono audio signals from files WAV.
In fact, this library contributes to an arduino the capacity to reproduce WAV sound files from a miniSD, using a cheaper and tiny SDmodule and a speaker.
Puedo operar sencillos comandos, aunque suficientes para mi propósito experimental.
I can operate very simple commands, although enough for my experimental plan:
Simple mode"filename"); plays a file"filename",30); plays a file starting at 30 seconds into the track
audio.speakerPin = 11; set to 5,6,11 or 46 for Mega, 9 for Uno, Nano, etc.
audio.disable(); disables the timer on output pin and stops the music
audio.stopPlayback(); stops the music, but leaves the timer running
audio.isPlaying(); returns 1 if music playing, 0 if not
audio.pause(); pauses/unpauses playback
audio.quality(1); Set 1 for 2x oversampling
audio.volume(0); 1(up) or 0(down) to control volume
audio.setVolume(0); 0 to 7. Set volume level
audio.loop(1); 0 or 1. Can be changed during playback for full control of looping. Primer código / first code
#include <SdFat.h>
SdFat sd;
#define SD_ChipSelectPin 4 // Pin CS
#include <TMRpcm.h>
#include <SPI.h>
TMRpcm audio;
void setup(){
audio.speakerPin = 9; // speaker
pinMode(10,OUTPUT); // speaker
if (!sd.begin(4, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) {Serial.println("Something wrong"); return;
}else{ Serial.println("SD OK"); }
//con las teclas p,o,i cambia el archivo WAV
void loop(){
case 'p':"track1.wav"); break;
case 'o':"track2.wav"); break;
case 'i':"track3.wav"); break;
case 'l': audio.pause(); break;
default: break;
// aleatorialmente cambia una posición de el tiempo de la reproducción en un mismo archivo ---- randomness second position at the same track.
void loop(){"track3.wav",random(0,14)); delay(1000);audio.pause();
mapa // map pin
cs - 4 (SD_ChipSelectPin)
clock - 13
mosi - 11
miso - 12
vcc - 3.3
gnd - ground
speaker - 10
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